The Fitzgerald Museum is the only dedicated museum to the lives and legacies of F. Scott & Zelda Fitzgerald in the world.

Clint Emerson - 2022

Clint Emerson - 2022

Clint Emerson


Emerson served as a SEAL operator at SEAL Team Three, the NSA, and SEAL Team Six. He is the founder of Escape the Wolf, which focuses on crisis management for global companies both large and small. He’s the bestselling author of the 100 Deadly Skills series, The Right Kind of Crazy, and The Rugged Life. He is also the host of the Can You Survive This Podcast?, the producer and host of, and a member of the hit TV show SAS Australia. He is the only SEAL operator to have been inducted into the International Spy Museum.

Clint Emerson Awarded (7.22.22) The Montgomery Advertiser:

Ta-Nehisi Coates - 2023

Ta-Nehisi Coates - 2023

Rick Bragg - 2021

Rick Bragg - 2021